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Quelle plus-value une organisation médicale d'urgence doit-elle attendre de l'anthropologie?

Françoise Duroch


A few years ago, a haemorrhagic fever led to an MSF intervention in Central Africa. The disease was poorly understood, and in an isolated forest context, the local population had mixed feelings...


Benefiting some more than others: humanitarian disruption in conflict settings

Maelle L'Homme


In March 2022, intercommunal fighting forced Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) to suspend its activities after nearly fourteen years of operating in Agok, a small town located in the disputed Abyei...


Are we using the right terms to describe the situation in Gaza?

Françoise Duroch


On 6 November, António Guterres, Secretary General of the United Nations, called for an immediate halt to the bombings in the Gaza Strip, highlighting a nightmarish situation for civilian...


Humanitarian corridors: negotiated exceptions at risk of manipulation

Maelle L'Homme


In the absence of a normative framework, the concept of humanitarian corridor lacks a consistent definition and is highly vulnerable to political interpretation. The notion underwent multiple...


Humanitarian corridors in Ukraine: the illusion of an ideal solution

Françoise Duroch, Maelle L'Homme


"Humanitarian corridor". In just a few days, these two words have become a common theme in public speeches about Ukraine, evoking the illusion of an ideal solution to the suffering of people trapped ...

Everybody's War


The Business of Conflict: Humanitarian Assistance and the War Economy in Syria

Duncan McLean


The Syrian crisis is one of the most serious humanitarian disasters in recent history. Yet the widely reported numbers–more than 6 million displaced, including 5 million refugees–reflect...


Research and humanitarian aid: navigating the unpredictable, limiting the avoidable

Duncan McLean


In the world of international assistance, unsolicited visits by researchers – whether sent from the headquarters of the organisation or from other structures – have long generated conflicting...


Radical Objects: The Obelisk of Axum and the Complexities of Restitution

Duncan McLean


As aid agencies struggle to access and respond to the humanitarian crisis unfolding in Tigray, a comparatively minor note of physical destruction has understandably garnered little attention. In a...


Should we discriminate in order to act? Profiling: a necessary but debated practice

Françoise Duroch


In October 2020, MSF organised a workshop in Dakar on staff profiling in operations in the Sahel. Profiling involves the selection of staff based on non-professional criteria, including nationality,...

Les conséquences humanitaires d’une réaffirmation de la souveraineté de l’État


Humanitarian implications of a re-assertion of State sovereignty

Duncan McLean


Whilst there is indeed a trend towards the strengthening of State sovereignty, this concept is more multifaceted and ambivalent than it might appear. The author invites us to take stock of its...

Secourir sans périr: la sécurité humanitaire à l'ère de la gestion des risques


The Shadow Theatre of Kidnappings: an account of Arjan Erkel's rescue

Duncan McLean


In Saving Lives and Staying Alive, the authors look at the drivers of the professionalisation of humanitarian security and its impact on humanitarian practices, with a specific focus on Syria, the...



Opportunities, limits and challenges of perceptions studies for humanitarian contexts

Caroline Abu-Sada


This article aims to advance understanding and discussion of perceptions studies as a method for strengthening humanitarian performance. Perceptions studies are qualitative studies produced for and...

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