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Humanitarian assistance in siege contexts: a contradiction in terms?

Duncan McLean, Maelle L'Homme


This contribution attempts to explore the contradiction between a strategy of exhaustion aiming to establish the conditions for the besieged party to surrender, and the legal and moral imperative of ...


Benefiting some more than others: humanitarian disruption in conflict settings

Maelle L'Homme


In March 2022, intercommunal fighting forced Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) to suspend its activities after nearly fourteen years of operating in Agok, a small town located in the disputed Abyei...


Pratiques délictueuses aux portes de l’Europe

Françoise Duroch, Maelle L'Homme


Reports of violence at Greece's borders have multiplied in recent years. A report published in November 2023 by MSF documents the harsh realities experienced by migrants on arrival in Greece, based...


«Asyl zu verkaufen» – völkerrechtlicher Schutz in Zeiten von Outsourcing

Maelle L'Homme


After the USA and Australia, several European countries are also developing strategies aimed at reducing their reception obligations towards asylum seekers. Maelle L'Homme reflects on the danger of...


Ethical considerations around the use of humanitarian imagery

Françoise Duroch, Maelle L'Homme


The growth of social media has reduced the world to a “global village” in which images travel fast and far. When they feature vulnerable people, the impact can be disastrous. Starting from a...


Humanitarian corridors: negotiated exceptions at risk of manipulation

Maelle L'Homme


In the absence of a normative framework, the concept of humanitarian corridor lacks a consistent definition and is highly vulnerable to political interpretation. The notion underwent multiple...


Silent wounds

Maelle L'Homme


In 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic made visible to the general public some of the many challenges associated with humanitarian work. Suddenly mortality rates, shortages of medical supplies and the...


Humanitarian corridors in Ukraine: the illusion of an ideal solution

Françoise Duroch, Maelle L'Homme


"Humanitarian corridor". In just a few days, these two words have become a common theme in public speeches about Ukraine, evoking the illusion of an ideal solution to the suffering of people trapped ...


Humanitarian discourse and the challenges of migration: the European exception?

Maelle L'Homme


Are non-governmental organisations also guilty of double standards? Reviewing humanitarian actors’ approaches to migration in Europe, the author analyses the demands, intentions and dilemmas that...

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