Humanitarian corridors in Ukraine: the illusion of an ideal solution
11.03.2022History teaches us that it would be a mistake to place too much hope in a temporary and restricted right of passage, write Françoise Duroch and Maelle L'Homme in Geneva Solutions.

Journal of Humanitarian Affairs: special issue
23.12.2021Duncan McLean (UREPH) and Michaël Neuman (Centre de Réflexion sur l'Action et les Savoirs Humanitaires) have edited this special issue on the politics of infectious disease. It introduces the idea ...
Les 50 ans de MSF, ou comment l'humanitaire reste une épine dans le pied des dirigeants
20.12.2021Médecins Sans Frontières a tout juste 50 ans. Duncan McLean revient sur les ambitions initiales de l’ONG et ses préoccupations actuelles.
Humanitarian discourse and the challenges of migration: the European exception?
16.12.2021Are non-governmental organisations also guilty of double standards? Reviewing humanitarian actors’ approaches to migration in Europe, the author analyses the demands, intentions and dilemmas that...

Exhibition: Looking back at 50 years of humanity
26.11.2021The 50th anniversary of the creation of Médecins Sans Frontières is an opportunity to reflect on our humanitarian work and its evolution. Through its medical interventions in a wide range of...
The Business of Conflict: Humanitarian Assistance and the War Economy in Syria
12.10.2021Everybody's War examines the complexities of humanitarianism in Syria and the wide-ranging consequences for both Syria's populations and humanitarian responses to future conflicts. Duncan McLean...
Inside Geneva podcast: Humanitarians and counter-terror laws
21.01.2020To do their work, humanitarian organisations must talk with everyone in the field, including groups that have been labelled terrorists. How do they do it?