Historical Antecedents to Understanding Contemporary Attacks on Healthcare
Duncan McLean
21.10.2024The protection of medical services in armed conflict is generally framed under the principle of medical neutrality. That respect for this principle has had a chequered past would be an...

Humanitarian assistance in siege contexts: a contradiction in terms?
Duncan McLean, Maelle L'Homme
04.12.2023This contribution attempts to explore the contradiction between a strategy of exhaustion aiming to establish the conditions for the besieged party to surrender, and the legal and moral imperative of ...
Medical care in armed conflict: Perpetrator discourse in historical perspective
Duncan McLean
27.05.2020Although the Geneva Conventions have been successively revised since 1864, norms regarding the protection of medical care have been frequently disregarded. Despite current claims of international...

War Breaks Out: Interpreting Violence on Healthcare in the Early Stage of the South Sudanese Civil War
UREPH contribution
01.05.2019This article seeks to document and analyse violence affecting the provision of healthcare by Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) and its intended beneficiaries in the early stage of the current civil...

Attacks on Hospitals: an Alarming Problem for Military Medicine as well as for Humanitarian Medicine
Philippe Calain
2017As part of International Humanitarian Law (IHL), Additional Protocols I and II of 1977 to the Geneva Conventions and other treaties provide for the protection of patients, medical personnel and...
Violence and its Humanitarian Impact: The Case of Kivu
Duncan McLean
16.01.2017Decrypting the dynamics of continuing conflict in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) is challenging at the best of times, more so given the profound political uncertainty that currently...

Attacks on medical missions: overview of a polymorphous reality: the case of Médecins Sans Frontières
Caroline Abu-Sada, Françoise Duroch
2014The aim of this article is to carry out a preliminary analysis of issues relating to the types of violence that are directed against humanitarian medical missions.

Don't Shoot the Ambulance: Medicine in the Crossfire
Françoise Duroch
2013As physicians and hospitals providing medical service in war zones multiply, their facilities have increasingly become military targets – placing their medical staff in danger and preventing locals ...

Perspectives from the field
Caroline Abu-Sada, Françoise Duroch
2013Since its foundation, MSF has faced different forms of violence against its patients, staff, health facilities and medical vehicles, as well as against national health systems in general. Medical...