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D’une intifâda à l’autre. Les ONG palestiniennes entre Autorité Palestinienne et autorités d’occupation

Revue Egypte/Monde arabe
Deuxième série, D’une intifâda l’autre: La Palestine au quotidien. Nr. 6, S. 83-96

The second intifâda is unique in that debates all seem to focus on the relationship between the Palestinian National Authority (PNA) and Israeli authorities. The international community focuses on suicide attacks on Israeli territory and the heavily militarized Israeli response to these attacks. The Palestinian people are largely absent from debates in the media: the media only highlights political groups such as the Hamas, the Islamic Jihad, the al-Aqsâ Brigades and the Fath. What about the voluntary sector in Palestine? It seems that Palestinian non-governmental organizations (PNGO) have disappeared from the Palestinian political scene even though they existed prior to the pre-state entity that is the PNA. This disappearance is obvious in the view of the Western media, especially since September 2000. The case on the ground remains to be known, as well as what space is available to these organizations caught between two vises, the PNA and the Israeli occupation. How has their role changed since the end of the first intifâda, with the reconstruction of the Palestinian society induced by the establishment of an Authority which attempts to centralize the activities carried out up until now by the voluntary sector? The almost permanent curfews on the Occupied Territories since April 2002 and the inability to travel between Palestinian towns severely limit the action of PNGOs. This shows that, while the PNA has failed to limit the room for maneuver of Palestinian organizations, Israeli authorities have successfully succeeded. The current situation makes any kind of research very difficult. This text is the result of a survey conducted in Palestine in June, July and August 2002.


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